June 17-18, 2022
London, UK (Webinar)
On behalf of the Kidney 2022 team, it is a great privilege inviting the professionals, scholars, supporters, researchers and delegates all around the world for this premier event to address and raise awareness of credited technical and beneficial research progress in the field of Kidney and Renal Biomarkers. We believe your opinions and expertise are very valuable and important for a successful congress and this is a great opportunity for young minds to interact with the plenary speakers and top scientists in the field in a professional context.
Speaker, Delegate, Poster slots are available.
Kidney 2022 takes immense pleasure and honour in welcoming all the participants from across the globe to attend the “2nd World Congress on Kidney and Renal Biomarkers” during June 17-18, 2022 at London, UK. The conference comprises eminent personalities with their keynote presentations, verbal speeches, productive poster presentations and exhibitions along with a discussion forum providing insights on the Kidney and Renal Biomarkers.
At PULSUS, we aim to network your thoughts and research ideas in a larger and more effective manner by discussing the latest technologies and therapeutical aspects for dealing with various kidney diseases including hemodialysis equipment, transplantation process. This year's conference highlights the theme “Networking your thoughts on Nephrology”.
Kidney 2022 is an integration of clinical research, a recent innovation in the market and theoretical findings in recent times. We have the aim to analyse, decode and minimize kidney diseases in order to promote the health of every individual and private development. Henceforth we cordially invite all the renowned physicians, Healthcare specialists, Pharmaceutical industry delegates, Young researchers, student communities from various educational institutes to unite under a single roof the World Kidney Congress.
Kidney 2022 will be a two-day event. Pulsus Group believes that there is a need to reform the medical science curriculum keeping the future demands in the medical field, this conference wants to refresh its contents in order to serve better to the medical professionals. And if we want medical professionals to be more engaged in transformations, we need to expose them to this world in their researches.
TRACK 1: Nephrology
The whole branch of Nephrology revolves around the various diagnosis and medical procedures for the treatment of kidney-related diseases. Various factors such as diabetes and several autoimmune diseases affect the proper functioning of kidneys. Onconephrology is a branch that is mainly focused on cancer-related kidney diseases.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swedish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, The Renal Association
TRACK 2: Kidney Clinical Research and Epidemiology
The overall prevalence and the distribution of a particular disease condition over a period of time can be tracked to infer the presence and the pandemic state of the disease. Clinical research about various kidney-related diseases can help to understand more and acquire new insights about the disease. This will help the science community to take forward the clinical works done previously.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 3: Kidney Genetics & Genomics
The diseases which can be genetically inherited from a parent to an offspring is expressed through ‘n’ number of generations. Such cases are the effect of genetic mutation and inheritance of those specific genes across the generations. The chances of having a kidney disease are higher in individuals with a history of diabetes, which might have been inherited from their parents. Early diagnosis of the defective genes can be useful in treating the disease at an early stage of development.
Related societies:
Finnish Society of Nephrology, Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Danish Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society
TRACK 4: Kidney Developmental Biology and Aging
There has been a major concern in the area of developmental biology on the effects of aging on kidneys, the majority of the population seem to encounter these age-related changes in kidneys functions. About two-thirds of the People between the ages of 30-40 have a significant decline in the weights of their kidneys, also the rate at which the kidneys filter blood also decreases. The regeneration of renal tissues decreases as a result of aging, these micro-anatomical structural changes in the glomerulus and other related cellular structures indicates the increased prevalence of nephrosclerosis.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 5: Acute Kidney Injury(AKI)
Acute kidney injury (or) failure is the sudden shut down of the function of the kidney in which the kidney will no longer be able to filter the waste excretory products from the blood. The kidney may lose its total function in less than a few days. When a person suffers from AKI the waste accumulated in the body reaches an alarming level, this causes a chemical imbalance in the blood which results in severe health issues.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Danish Society of Nephrology, DNT Union of Georgia, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 6: Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)
As the name suggests, chronic kidney disease, unlike the acute kidney is the gradual loss of kidney function over a certain period of time. In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, the symptoms may not be very significant and apparent. The treatment is carried out in such a way that the progression of the kidney damage is made to happen at a slower rate. But this chronic stage of the disease may easily progress to end-stage renal failure in many cases. The individuals might have to undergo either kidney transplantation or dialysis in order to survive.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 7: Diabetic Kidney Disease
Diabetic kidney disease or Diabetic nephropathy is a disease condition in almost 25% of the total people with diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy is seen in both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes in general. Over the course of few years, the condition worsens and damages the glomerulus slowly. Early diagnosis may help in the treatment of the disease to slow down the progress of the disease without any complications. However, in late diagnosis, the treatment options for the condition is very few.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Danish Society of Nephrology, DNT Union of Georgia, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 8: Kidney Inflammation & Inflammatory Diseases
Kidney inflammation or nephritis is a condition caused by an auto-immune response. The primary cause involves infections, toxins and many other autoimmune disorders in the body. Nephritis can be classified as Glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(MPGN), IgA nephropathy, Pyelonephritis, Lupus nephritis, Wegener’s granulomatosis. These above-seen diseases are the major inflammatory diseases occurring in kidneys.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 9: Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
Polycystic kidney disease is characterized by the formation of a cluster of cysts, these cysts are initially formed inside the kidney. Over the course of time, the kidneys enlarge and eventually lose their function. The larger the size of the cysts, the greater is the degree of risk. Cysts can also develop in any part of the body. Advanced stages of PKD results in kidney failure and high BP.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 10: End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
When chronic kidney disease reaches a fairly advanced stage its results in end-stage kidney disease or end-stage renal disease. At this stage, the kidneys will no longer be able to function normally to meet the daily needs. The function drops below a staggering 10% from its normal ability. Either kidney transplant or dialysis may help in prolonging the life of an individual
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 11: Pediatric Kidney Disease
The early onset of kidney disorder in children can be due to various factors such as birth defects, nephrotic syndrome, trauma, blockages in the urinary system. Hereditary diseases are also a key factor that leads to kidney failure in infants. Systemic diseases & nephrotic syndrome causes kidney failure in children between 5-14 years of age. When the conditions get undetected they pose a greater risk to the adolescents, since they are at a very young age they might not be aware of the anatomical changes that are happening in their bodies.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 12: Kidney Disease Statistics
Chronic kidney disease affects almost 10% of the total world population, causing the mortality of more than a million each year due to the lack of proper medical assistance. Kidney diseases ranked 27th in the year 1990 was ranked 18th in the year 2010 for the cause of the increase in deaths. The number of individuals to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive reached over 2 million. On a financial note, individuals from developing countries have to bear a huge financial burden to provide themselves with proper treatment for the disease.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 13: Kidney Transplantation
A kidney transplant is done surgically to replace a non-functioning kidney with a healthy kidney from a living person or a deceased donor. The transplant can be done as a result of end-stage kidney disease. Instead of a lifetime on dialysis, transplant surgery is a very effective choice for the treatment. A transplant can make the quality of life better. The risks of having a transplant include allergy to anaesthesia, infections in the operated region, rejection reaction, an attack, or sometimes even a stroke.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 14: Premature birth and kidney disorder
Childbirth with the period of 37 gestational weeks can cause interruption and delay in the development of the kidneys. Fetal nephrogenesis is most active in the third trimester of pregnancy, in that stage formation of the nephron exceeds over 60%. Any interruption at this stage of development can cause lower nephron endowment which can stay as a lifelong threat. Hypertension and progressive kidney disease are associated with the low nephron number. These factors have been associated with the subsequent risk of developing CKD.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 15: Hemodialysis as renal replacement therapy
Hemodialysis is the alternative method for filtering the blood in cases where the function of the kidney is not proper. In kidney failure cases this procedure helps the individual by removing the excretory waste & toxic products from the blood. They not only serve as life support in case of chronic illness but also as a cure in case of severe injuries or diseases. Various techniques include intermittent hemodialysis, continuous hemofiltration & peritoneal dialysis.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
TRACK 16: Advancements in nephrology
Scientific studies and various research programs are being conducted throughout the globe. Rejuvenation of renal cells is the new advanced treatment process that has the potency to reverse chronic kidney disease. By sharing the profound knowledge on renal diseases, we can bring about change in the ways of treatment of kidney disease. Stem cell therapy can be focussed on re-stabilize and improve renal function in individuals with potential chronic illness.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 17: Renal cell carcinoma(RCC)
The most common type of cancer occurring in most adults is renal cell carcinoma. Cancer starts developing at a very young age which is why children are more likely to develop Wilms tumour which is a type of kidney cancer. The rate at which the incidence of kidney cancer seems to be rising. The potential factor must be the innovation in medical imaging techniques such as computerized tomography(CT) to deliver reliable information.
Related societies:
Italian Society of Nephrology, Norwegian Society of Nephrology, Spanish Society of Nephrology, Swiss Society of Nephrology, Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists, Swedish Society of Nephrology, The Renal Association
TRACK 18: Renal biomarkers as indicators of renal carcinoma
Due to the increase in morbidity and mortality caused by various kidney diseases, there is a need for novel biomarkers in the diagnosis of the disease. Several new biomarkers have been used as a result of advancements in molecular biology. The facilitation of early diagnosis, the need to guide interventions and monitoring of disease progression shall play a vital role in the disease treatment. The development of specific, sensitive and reliable biomarkers can be very useful for effective therapies.
Related societies:
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, German Society of Nephrology, European Kidney Health Alliance, DNT Union of Georgia, Danish Society of Nephrology, Austrian Society of Nephrology, Hellenic Society of Nephrology, Irish Nephrology Society, Finnish Society of Nephrology
There has been a comprehensive study in the field of nephrology and urology, and its place in the global market for the production of wide range of medical devices in the nephrology and urology fields. The has been a huge demand for the nephrology and urology devices for the treatment of urinary and kidney problems. Wide range of kidney diseases such as Chronic kidney disease(CKD), end stage renal disease(ESRD), pelvic organ prolapses, benign prostatic hyperplasia(BHP), Diagnosis of more kidney diseases made a steady increase or growth in the global market for the need of medical devices, since then the devices have made the treatment very efficient and effective in a very short span of time which adds demand to those medical devices. By knowing the demand about the devices in the market, we obtain a complete in-depth analysis of the market dynamics which includes many challenges &restraints and also trends. With the increasing demand of medical services, the various organisations have to put in their business strategies based on their customer demands. By doing marketing research and proper analytical research they have a better chance of achieving business expansion. With more than 40% share the United States leads the number of kidney transplants performed in the year 2018. In 2018 alone 50,000 reported cases of transplants were performed. Since the need for kidneys have grown, they are the few organs which have the leverage to be given as living donation. Most of the people with kidney disease tend to live a prosperous life with only one kidney. In our today world, most of the kidney donations come from living individuals. By doing so the recipient can able to live a very long life without any issues, they also are found to be living roughly twice as long as the people who received kidney from a deceased donor. In order for the market to work, there has to be a proper understanding and trust between the recipient and donor.
• Asahi Kasei Corporation
• B.Braun Group
• Baxter International Inc
• Boston Scientific Corporation
• C.R. Bard Inc
• Coloplast AS
• Cook Medical
• Dornier MedTech
• Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA
• Nikkiso Co.Ltd.
• Nipro Corporation
• NxStage Medical Inc.
• Olympus Medical Systems
• Rockwell Medical Technologies Inc.
• Terumo Corporation
• Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA)
• ONTEX International N.V.
• Kimberly-Clark Corporation
• First Quality Enterprises Inc.
• Teleflex Incorporated
• Siemens Healthineers
• Medtronic
• Medline Industries Inc.
• STORZ Medical AG
Since the time of the rapid diagnostic methods which are available in the market, the use of drugs has been increasingly accepted in many of the countries. Infoholic research analysis made a note that North America have the largest market share for the consumption of chronic kidney disease drugs , also it has to be made clear that the majority of the drug manufactures have their origin in the United States. Dominant sales figures were found from the companies such as AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Amgen, GlaxosmithKline, Roche.